Wednesday, October 19, 2011

History The establishment of the French State

France, officially the Republic of France (French: République française, French spelling: [ʁepyblik fʁɑsɛz]), is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe and also has various overseas islands and territories located in other continents. [1] Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. French people often refer to Metropolitan France as "L'Hexagone" ("Hexagon") because of geometric shapes territory. France is a unitary semi-presidensia republic that has no president. Its main ideals are expressed in the Declaration of Human Rights and the Citizen.

France is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and Spain. Due to its overseas departments, France also shares land borders with Brazil and Suriname (bordering French Guiana), and the Netherlands Antilles (bordering Saint-Martin). France is also linked to the United Kingdom by the Channel Tunnel, which is under the English Channel.

France has become one of the greatest strengths of the world since the mid-17th century. In the 18th century and 19th centuries, France built one of the largest colonial empires of the time, stretching across West Africa and Southeast Asia, the region's political and cultural influence. France is a developed country, with the sixth largest economy (nominal GDP) or eighth (PPP) in the world. Is the most visited country in the world, receiving 82 million foreign tourists annually (including business travelers, but excluding people staying less than 24 hours in France). [2] France is one of the founding countries of the European Union, and has a region The biggest of all members. France is also a founding member of the United Nations, and members of the Francophonie, the G8, NATO, and the Latin Union. It is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations; also a large nuclear power with 360 active warheads and 59 nuclear power plants.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gas been created, gray hair prevention pill !!!

From - In addition to the head that balding and thinning hair, graying hair became one of the hallmarks of aging. Therefore, many people are trying to paint colors to cover gray hair.

However, you do not need to worry because the researchers at L'Oreal, the cosmetics company terkemua of France, claiming they had found a way to keep your hair stays in its natural color throughout the ages.

"Potion" that during the past decade that experts be explored contains fruit extracts that mimic a chemical called protein tryrosine 2 or TRP-2. As is known, the hair is in peak performance from one birth to the age of 25 years. At the age of 30 years, usually TRP-2 began to decrease.

Drugs that can withstand that TRP-2 in the fixed body so that conditions such beautiful hair at a young age was created in pill form that can be consumed every day. They also claim that the drug is a natural and harmless because it uses fruit extracts.

"Someday people will be taking these pills as supplements. They have to start taking them before your hair turns gray," said Bruno Bernard, head of L'Oreal Hair Biology.

He added that the new pill will be circulated in the market in 2015 because it took 10 years to prove the drug is working, remember the hair also takes a long time before finally turning gray.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Eboy The Group of Pixel Art Artist

There is a pixel art group of artists whose names already familiar in the real world that is EBOY. They consist of three people from Berlin and one in New York, and they make pixel art that has appeared in magazines, on albums, posters, web pages, advertising, and elsewhere. Formed in 1998, Eboy mission is simply to give the artists a stage and shared identity.

Source Here

Monday, June 20, 2011

Red Island is a beach resort located south tip of Banyuwangi, the beach is very natural because one of the tourist sites in the southern coastal region that is still natural, red island beach also has good waves for surfing. When the sea receded, the visitors can visit this place on foot to enjoy eunikan a small mountain in center of the beach that soil color is red, hence the name Red Island coast.

Red Island is a small hill-shaped island near the coast with white sandy beaches along the approximately 3 km.Pantai Red Island is located about 60 kilometers from the city to the south of Banyuwangi. The journey takes two and a half jam.Sebagian Red Island beach area at the foot of Mount Tumpang Pitu, towering hundreds of feet, which is also a protected forest area.

On the east coast there are mountains, which is said to have the natural wealth that is hidden to the south of the island we can enjoy the beautiful sunset in the afternoon. + - 50 meters to the west there is a port of a fairly large fish auction.
Pancer coast in 1996 never happened that a very large natural disasters of tsunami, Not a few citizens of Red Island beaches are a victim at that time, however, the beauty of the red island rebounded with his trademark that may be the only one in banyuwangi.

Source Here and Here

Should Children Forced to Breakfast?

Ideally, the desire to eat should come from the children themselves.
He needs to understand its needs and then seek to fulfill it.
And, given that he was a child, parents who will help fulfill her eating.
As parents, we are advised not to force children to eat.
According to Melanie Shay, a nutritionist from Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, let the child decide what he wants to eat and how big the portions.

The problem is, kids often do not want to eat, especially at breakfast. In fact, breakfast is important to initiate the activities of every person. Research conducted at Harvard University and Tufts University showed, children who eat breakfast will behave and learn better than children who are not accustomed to breakfast.

Then, if parents have forced them to eat breakfast? Again, you can do is encourage him to do so. At first, the child may complain. However, once he was used to breakfast, it will continue to do until you grow up.
Shay gives a few tips that can lure a child for breakfast:

Start with small portions
Ask her to eat one or two bribes alone. If after that he did not want anymore, let it go. The next day, encourage him to eat a tablespoon more. Add continues portions every day until he feels satisfied and familiar.

If the child is lazy to chew, you can encourage her to give breakfast a liquid, like milk or fruit juice
Bring the milk as well as his lunch box to school, so when he does not want to eat bread at least is still willing to spend the milk box.

Have your child help prepare breakfast
Able to take her shopping and ask her to choose materials that will serve breakfast. For example, milk, cereal, bread, or jam. Make a deal, the menu what will he eat for breakfast, of course, taste the child.

Point your child choose healthy foods
Avoid snacks such as potato chips or sweet biscuit for breakfast. Show a variety of delicious menu she could eat as a breakfast menu and explain that this will make it more fresh and strong when playing with friends, rather than eat candy or wafer.

Do it together
Not only your children who need breakfast, parents too. There is nothing wrong if you and your family get up early to eat breakfast together, only then do the activity. If your daily breakfast, of course the child will imitate it.

Source here

Friday, May 20, 2011

5 Beverages That Can Eradicate the Poisons In Your Body

 Eating fresh vegetables and fruit juice is a natural way of detoxifying your body. Used to drink water every morning is also a positive benefit detoxify the body.

Here are five health tonic that bermanfaatkan detoxify the body, as quoted from Idiva:

1.Pure Water
Based on the opinion of Dr. Poonam Rathod, health experts, say, water consumption on a regular basis according to the needs of the body is able to clean the digestive system, and eliminate toxins and remains of food stuck in the intestines. This keeps the body clean and stomach from food waste.

2.Fresh Coconut Water
In addition to the water taste delicious and refreshing throat, this fluid can detoxify the body naturally. Besides cleaning the digestive tract. Drinking coconut water will boost immunity and is useful to keep your body well hydrated.

3.Pumpkin Juice
Pumpkin juice is an excellent natural remedy for those who suffer from digestive problems and acidity. "It's because of its alkaline nature. Fiber in the bottle gourd juice also heal digestive problems, "said Dr. Rathod.

4.Green Tea
Green tea is a natural antioxidant. It contains polyphenols that help regulate glucose in the blood. "Polyphenols inhibit the movement of glucose into fat cells, thus preventing them from entering the bloodstream," said Dr. Rathod.

5.Orange Juice
Is a source of vitamin C, known to boost immunity. "Oranges rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, which protect the human immune system by acting against germs and bacteria that cause disease," said Dr. Rathod.

As tips, these detox drinks would be better if taken before breakfast. "In this way the detoxification process will go well and you can feel the health benefits.," said Dr. Rathod.

Trivial Activity can Damage Your Health

In fact a healthy life is a requirement that must be met by humans every day. Because with our healthy then it will be more meaningful life. But you have to be careful of some activities that we think is trivial and it can damage our health ... What are they?

1. Listen to Music Via Earphones

Like listening to music through earphones ...???? Hmm .. be careful of the dangers. Too often heard a loud noise or noise within a long and occur every day can interfere with hearing. European Commission study showed, the habit of listening to music on earphones at high volume (above 100 decibels), more than an hour a day in a minimum period of five years, bringing the risk of permanent hearing loss.

At present, 50-100 million people are estimated to actively listen to music through earphones every day. Based on research, most of them set the volume to above 89 decibels (about 90% volume) to compensate for traffic noise. Hearing loss due to noise is a type of neural hearing loss (sensorineural deafness) caused damage to the cochlea or sensory nerves.

The results showed that when the appliance is connected to a digital music player with earphones playing at optimal or maximum volume (intensity of about 100 decibels), the ears should only be exposed to a maximum of 5 minutes per day. In volume 90 percent (90 decibels) should only be exposed for 18 minutes. In volume 80 percent (80 decibels), only allowed a maximum dose of 1.2 hours per day. And, on volume of 70 percent (70 decibels), should only be about 4.6 hours per day maximum. Moreover, the risk of noise trauma will be greater. So, should be used on low volume because it will be safer.

Remember the proverb which says, "if it is too loud you are too old?" The more we listen to sounds that are too hard, then we will age much older than actual age because our hearing impaired.

2. Wearing Tight Jeans Pants

In recent years, using tight jeans (pencil model) become a trend among young people. In fact, Indonesia's top artists such as The Changcuters also become one of the lovers of this type pants. Unmitigated, this is not just tight pants, but also attached as a second skin for the wearer.

Indeed, countless users of tight jeans. However, probably only a handful who understand the negative effects of wearing pants that kind. According to dr. Ryan Thamrin, the use of tight jeans in women often cause problems. Among others:

For Men
The use of tight jeans that too often causes the area around the genitals into heat, so harmful to sperm. Results of research in Indonesia stated that the male sperm quality decline when too often wearing tight jeans. Mentioned, the number of sperm that are usually 60 million per milliliter can be reduced dramatically to 20 million per milliliter.

Scientifically, this can be explained. The temperature is not normal in the scrotum, which is a layer that protects the penis, can have a negative impact on sperm quality because the pile of sweat can not get out in the vicinity of the reproductive organs. So that can cause mold which will increase the temperature of the testes in sperm production. If passed will become itchy and spread to the testicles.

For Women
Many of the women who want the appearance look sexy, so wear clothes that tend to be tight for to show her shape. Especially students and students very often they wear tight jeans, to trousers of this type becomes the primary choice for them. But did they know when to wear jeans constantly less good for health especially for female sex organs.

These jeans are made of material thick enough, let alone the kind of straight jeans or jeans that fits in the body. This can cause a burning sensation in the female organs and trigger the production of sweat a lot. Plus air circulation in the area of ​​femininity also disrupted due to the thick material, whereas the region requires that sufficient air circulation, so the sweat dries quickly.

If this happens constantly then, the area will become moist and easy to trigger the growth of mold. Besides, the risk for irritation or infection is also getting bigger. If this is allowed to continue then it will endanger the female organs that threaten reproductive health. In addition, by using the tights, stomach ache and breathing will also be disrupted because the stomach is always in a depressed state that ultimately the process of your bowel movements will also be disrupted. Thus, by the fact that the case, then you need to consider if you want to use tights.

The Angry Dad (The Simpsons)

Angry Dad is a fictional comic turned internet series created by Bart.
It is just Homer when he does something stupid or when he is angry, or as Bart puts it, "A little of my dad, your dad, bit of Maggie's dad." Bart originally made Angry Dad to be a comic book, until a man from a fictional website offered to make it into an animated series. When Homer tried to give up rage, Bart devised a plan to get him mad. Unfortunately, the website that cast Angry Dad went broke, making the trap Bart set redundant.
It is to be noted that the Angry Dad character seemed to have at least a bit more common sense than the man he originated from, Homer Simpson, as while angered at the headline of a newspaper (You Suck, Angry Dad), he accurately stated that that was an opinion and not news, something that Homer would not have deduced.

It was eventually made into a movie, of which it was nominated for a golden globe.


Lady Gaga's 'Judas' Upsets Religious Groups

Lady Gaga is stirring up controversy with the lyrics and video for her new song, "Judas."

The tune features lyrics like: "I want to love you,/but something’s pulling me away from you/Jesus is my virtue, and Judas is the demon I cling to….I’m just a holy fool,/ oh baby he’s so cruel,/ but I’m still in love with Judas, baby.”

Fumes Bill Donahue, president of The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, in a statement: "This is a stunt... Lady Gaga tries to continue to shock Catholics and Christians in general: she dresses as a nun... she swallows the rosary. She has now morphed into a caricature of herself.

"She is trying to rip off Christian idolatry to shore up her talentless, mundane and boring performances. Another ex-Catholic whose head is turned around... Is this the only way to jet up her performance? This isn't random, we are getting closer to Holy Week and Easter."

Gaga plays Mary Magdalene in the forthcoming video, which her creative director, Laurieann Gibson (who was behind the Grammy egg), told The Hollywood Reporter that "Judas" shouldn't be offensive.

"It went through several changes and late-night debates because at one point, there were two completely different views and I was like, 'Listen, I don't want lightning to strike me! I believe in the gospel and I'm not going there.' And it was amazing because to have that conversation about salvation, peace and the search for the truth in a room of non-believers and believers, to me, that was saying God is active in a big way. And the place that it came to is surreal. We don't touch on things that we have no right touching upon, but the inspiration and the soul and idea that out of your oppression, your darkness, your Judas, you can come into the marvelous light. So it's about the inspiration and to never give up… We've created a new Jerusalem.

When asked if she would have walked away from the video if she didn't agree with the final treatment, Gibson said, "Absolutely. I do believe God inspired and worked on everyone's heart, but yes. I would have been like, “Good bye, I ain't doing it. No way.” But the place it came to is really magical. And she's dancing her face off.


John James Audubon's Birthday celebrated by Google

John James Audubon was born on this day 226 years ago. Unlike previous Google doodles, such as the interactive submarine which celebrated the birth of Jules Verne, this time Google has kept things simple.

But while the specially designed logo on the search engine's home page boasts no moving parts or any other type of animation, its latest graphic might just go down as one of the more beautiful of recent times.

The letters of the internet giant's name are barely recognisable amid the branches and colourful plumes of the birds which adorn the logo, created in the style of the French-American painter and ornithologist's creations.

Born on April 26, 1785, John James Audubon developed a deep appreciation of nature from early childhood and moved to America from France at the age of 18 in order to avoid joining Napoleon's army.

He was to go on to make name for himself by painting birds in a signature life-like manner that was to overshadow contemporaries and predecessors.

"I felt an intimacy with them ... bordering on frenzy must accompany my steps through life", recalled the painter of his relationship with his feathered subjects.

His far reaching influence on ornithology and natural history extended to being quoted by Charles Darwin in 'On the Origin of Species' while Audubon's field notes are regarded as having made a significant contribution to the understanding of bird anatomy and behavior.

As recently as December, 2010, a copy of Audubon's 'Birds of America' was sold at a Sotheby's auction for £7,321,250, a record price for a single printed book.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How To Train Your Brain

Face it, the older the age when our memories tend to increasingly lose sharpness. We begin to forget things, like names of people, forget to put something or we have to do the job. But old does not mean your brain is also becoming increasingly blunt. For brain and memory can always be honed even stay sharp, here are some tips:

1. Train Your Left Brain

Your left brain is working to regulate the ability in reasoning, language, writing, logic and arithmetic. Left-brain memory are short term (short term memory). If there is damage to the left brain, there will be disruption in terms of functions of speech, language and mathematics. To maintain the capacity of your left brain, try to learn a new language or do puzzles games.

2.Train Your Right Brain

Right brain function is to handle the process of human creative thinking. Usual right brain identified about creativity, imagination, shape or space, emotion, and color.

Their memories are long right brain (long term memory). The way it works is not well structured and tend not to think about things that are too detailed. If there is damage to the right brain in diseases such as stroke or brain tumor, then the disturbed brain function is the ability of visual and emotional. To maintain the sharpness of your right brain practice singing or making handicrafts.

3.Train Your Whole Brain
Train Memory capacity
You remember as a kid, a lot of things you should know by heart. The sharpness of your memory will increase if you always train memory skills.

Participate in social activities
Having a solid schedule of social activities which are believed to make the brain work more actively and to reduce deterioration of the brain.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Three similar devil-faced mummy found in Japan

Seeing these mummies chilling felt goosebumps. These mummies are not shaped like a mummy that we've seen. The shape is creepy, like a form of evil in its most horrible. These mummies are now kept in several museums and buddha temple in Japan.

One of the most creepy is creepy form of three-faced mummy. People menyebutnya'demon mummies' or the devil because it was too horrible mummy wajahny. This vicious mummies now kept in the temple Zengyōj, a place where people do worship Buddha. Located in the city of Kanazawa, Japan.

Various kinds of designation for a three-eyed mummy, the manifestation of evil, Mermaids, kappa, mite, raiju, etc.
That said, the demon mummy was deliberately kept in the temple which is actually a holy place so as not to wander outside and haunted man.

Legend says that living in the community, the head demon mummy was discovered in the early 18th-century temple at the warehouse. These findings make the sensation of the priests also the local community. Its existence is very mysterious, no one knows from where the head of the devil come from, and how it can be in the temple.

The mummy's head devil has two heads overlap each other on the face, another one is behind (which resembles a Kappa). Manager shrine displaying this demon head every spring every year. Maybe for the showcase so people do not really curious to see it.

Another demon mummies were also found in the temple which is located in the city Daijōin Usa (Oita Prefecture). It is said that the mummy is a family heirloom, but disaster struck this family continually allegedly because they keep this demon mummy. Finally mummy who is a family heirloom, handed over to the temple Daijoin 1925.

It is said also, before reaching the temple Daijoin, this mummy has changed ownership many times. But evil always overwrite the owner and his family, that's why the last owner eventually handed it over to the temple.

Apparently the mummy's curse has accompanied this. It is said that anyone who have it / store it will be affected by the disaster. Now the mummy is in store and on guard with a high level of security at the temple and only disclosed to the public at certain times.

In addition to the two mummies devil, it turns out there are many tangible demon mummies have been discovered. Some are stored in museums, some are kept in the temples.

Tomato For Skin beauty

Did you know that tomatoes have efficacy for skin beauty, is perfect for the woman let her skin more beautiful.

Tomatoes are one type of vegetables that are always available in the kitchen. Besides useful for acid flavor enhancer in cooking, tomatoes are also useful as a natural cosmetic for the skin.

Problems that are often faced by adolescents, such as large pores on the skin, acne and dull skin problem it can be overcome with tomatoes. To preserve and maintain healthy skin, it is recommended to eat lots of tomatoes in the intact condition.

Tomatoes contain lycopene which is an antioxidant that can work as a sunscreen from the inside.

Antioxidants in tomato fruit can also be useful as an anti-aging in charge of helping to fight cell damage and make the skin color is more pinkish.

Therefore, it is advisable to mengasup foods such as tomatoes contain lycopene, a minimum of 16 milligrams per day. Intake may reduce the amount of free radicals in the body and also helps to retain moisture, especially for those who frequently move in a long time in air-conditioned room.

You do not need to spend lots of money and difficulty caring for expensive beauty salon. If you follow the simple steps below, your skin will remain healthy and youthful.

The following tips as quoted by the Times of India:

Shrink large pores
Large pores could be access to the entry of dirt thus causing infection of the pores. Take one tablespoon of fresh tomato juice. Add 2-4 drops of fresh lime juice. Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture on your face. Massage in circular motion. Leave on for about 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Regular application will shrink the pores faster.

Cure acne
Acidity of tomatoes help reduce the dirt and clean your acne. Vitamin A and vitamin C are commonly found in many acne medications including vegetables and tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K.

If you have mild acne, cut tomatoes in half and spread to the face. For severe acne mask can be used fresh tomatoes. Make tomato puree or paste and rub on face. Leave for one hour. Rinse and apply moisturizer. Do this on a regular basis or as much as you can. Acne is guaranteed to be dry and re-smooth skin.

Overcoming the oil in the skin
If you have oily skin tomatoes is the solution to your suffering. Grated fresh tomatoes and strain and add a little cucumber juice. Apply the juice with the ball kapaske entire face.

Tomatoes can remove blackheads
A tomato and avocado mask could be a combination of good skin care products. Tomato works as a repellent substances and reduce blackheads while the avocado oil has antiseptic and moisturizing effect.

Mash tomatoes and add an avocado collisions as a combination cleanser and skin moisturizer. Two of these natural combinations can soothe and cleanse the skin, suitable for oily and dry skin. Rich in vitamins A, C and E. Apply this pack, let stand for 20-30 minutes and wash with warm water.

Overcoming skin inflammation
The sun can burn skin. Often creates the effect of redness, itching and even result from exposure to sunlight. Grate half a tomato and mix with two tablespoons of plain yogurt.

Apply this mixture on the face, neck, hands and feet. Rinse after 20 minutes. Tomato cool the skin and neutralize the skin surface, while the yogurt gives the skin a much-needed protein. more soft and supple.

Creating a more radiant skin
Mix honey with tomato juice until it becomes a thick paste. Apply this mixture on the face and the desired skin, wash after 15 minutes to get the skin smooth and glowing.